A single orchestrator that provides everything you need for a volumetric modular construction project.

For REITs, developers, factories, contractors, architects and suppliers in the volumetric modular construction industry.

60% of individuals can’t afford housing

The crisis in California is now more than 2 million housing units short

The current housing solutions that use traditional methods of construction can not meet the needs in the market.

A new approach with a better outcome

Innovations in methods, financing and business models are the only solution

2BuildUs has rethought every aspect how to solve the housing crisis and with broad support is offering a totally new solution.

Map of california

Mutualizing construction

When one member wins all the members in the 2BuildUs ecosystem win

Get the benefits of a large corporation with the agility, creativity and motivation of smaller independent parties.

A vertically integrated value chain, where each member still maintains their independence.

Incentivizing people to raise the bar of quality, efficiency and delivery through common:

  • Capital formation
  • Risk management
  • Project management
  • Legal structure and resolution

Project completion on time with guaranteed IRR – Backed by institutionally graded insurance companies

Less friction, more production, better efficiency and higher velocity for every member of the 2BuildUs Ecosystem.

Full redundancy of everything in the value chain drives risk down and project success up

Allows individual members to grow their capacity with the safety net of others to maintain customer satisfaction

Project flow diagram

Members Earn New Financial Assets from the value they create on every project

These are liquid tradable financial assets that reduces operating costs, improve capital formation and increase net worth.

2Build icon

Business Development

A new channel for business development that delivers high quality transactions

We are already delivering hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts to members annually. This is expected to double every year for years to come.

Deal flow is guaranteed with the growth of the network. All deals are pre-qualified and price is secondary to value.

Improved Operations

Significant operating improvements start the moment you sign up

With 2BuildUs you can stop wasting time and energy on:

  • Working capital and receivables
  • Account management
  • General Administration
  • Contracts administration
  • Dispute Resolution


With 2BuildUs you have zero credit risk with other parties, guaranteed.

2Build One Contract diagram

Capital Formation

Get the benefits of being part of a large mutual company that is operated by its members

With 2BuildUs you can stop wasting time and energy on:

  • Payments
  • Working capital requirements
  • Capital for growth underwritten by membership financial instruments


Improve your net worth while focusing on what you do best. We take control of the legal, risk, financial and administration.

Aerial view construction

Risk Management

Lowering the risk of all parties in the value chain

Proactive risk management that keeps projects on time and on budget:

  • Project specific insurance wrapper provided
  • Centralized risk management function for all members
  • Verification, audit and quality control built into everything

Every step of every process from every party is verified in near real time.

One contract, one responsible party, one price

Everything is included

From risk management, financing and insurance to engineering, contractors and suppliers – at one price.

Our partners

Ferreira Inc
Architectural Iron Works
Studio Prime
Monarch Window

What they are saying about us

"I joined 2BuildUs when I realized the power of the business model could grow my companies beyond my capacity and into the future I always desired"
Dan Ferriera
"As a global supply chain expert I joined 2BuildUs when I realized the impact I could have on the world"
Heinrich Schultz
Chief Supply Chain Officer
"2BuildUs is positioned to address so many of the issues plaguing the industry and to leave a lasting legacy of change and benefit for future generations"
Bryan Rheem
Prior US Government DHS

News and media

Digging video
New manufacturing plant promises to bring economic boost to Anderson

Let's build together. Join the transformation of industry

Partner with the pride that comes with building your local economy. To learn about opportunities to join the reformation of construction and the value of working as trade or craftsmen or women using the latest in technology and the Sweet Commerce Platform.

Connect with us and we can build together.

Even if you don’t work for 2BuildUs as an employee you can participate in the value 2BuildUs is creating in the construction industry as a supplier, contractor, subcontractor or as a member of the 2BuildUs ecosystem.

Interested in creating an ecosystem in another industry? We’d love to talk. Check out the Sweet Commerce Ecosystems at sweetbridge.com